About the Fund
- Apply
- Can I apply?
- Case studies
- Accessibility
- Confidentiality
- Disability
- Election
- Can I access the fund if I am standing for a local election in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland?
- Can I access the fund if I am standing for a parish election?
- Can I access the fund if I am standing for election for the European Parliament?
- Can I apply if I am an independent candidate?
- Do I need to have been selected to stand for election to apply to the fund?
- Does it matter which political party I am representing?
- Does the fund cover by-elections?
- How much can I apply for?
- What costs are not covered?
- What costs does the fund cover?
- What is the advisory panel?
- What is the aim of the fund?
- Which elections does the fund cover?
- Which geographical areas does the fund cover?
- Why is the funding only available until 2013/14?
- Organisations
- Can I apply to the fund for payments I have already made?
- Do I have to claim my grant all at once?
- How do I claim my funding?
- How long does the application process take?
- How many applications can I make?
- How will you pay me the grant money?
- I am standing for more than one election. Can I apply for funding for both?
- If I successfully apply for a grant which is to be used in 2014, what is the latest date that I can submit a claim?
- If my applications come to £500 or more, will they need to go to the Access to Elected Office Fund Advisory Panel to review?
- What if I am not elected?
- What if I am not selected to stand for election?
- What if my circumstances change after I receive my grant decision?
- When will I receive payment?
- When will you let me know whether my grant has been approved?
- Who can act as an independent referee?
- The process
- About us
- Apply
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- Contact us
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- Resources
- Sitemap
- Terms and conditions
Last updated: June 29, 2012
Case Studies
Read about disabled people who are active in politics.